Polska wersja Hotel Sadyba Karpacz


Silesia Monuments Miniature Park in Kowary

The miniature park is one of the most interesting tourist attractions, which is located on the premises of the former carpet factory in Kowary. They were made with modern technical methods. What you can visit?:

Most models were created on a 1:25 scale, and few on a 1:50 scale. This attraction has been faithfully reproduced with particular care to emphasize details and details, which makes it unique and unusual. There are also replicas that are inaccessible to visitors or are in current ruin.

Details for visitors of the Sadyba Spa Hotel

The tour takes about an hour. Guided tours by professional animators are provided, where each curiosity discusses all the curiosities and short stories of a given miniature. The park ticket is all-day long, and there is a cafe in the Park, as well as a shop "Polish and Czech Souvenirs" where you can buy souvenirs and toys.

A special attraction - the Palace Playroom - has been launched especially for children, where you can find water bikes, inflatable slides and many more.

Price list:

as of July 22, 2019


Hotel Sadyba Karpacz
Park Miniatur Zabytków Dolnego Śląska w Kowarach

Słowa kluczowe: Karpacz, sadyba, atrakcje, Park miniatur w Kowarach, Kowary, atrakcje turystyczne, Karpacz warto zwiedzić, zwiedzanie Karpacz, hotel, apartamenty, zabytki karpacz, co warto zobaczyć Karpacz, Hotel Sadyba Karpacz

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